(Local) 1-304-748-5850

Brain Injuries

When Brain Injuries Affect Your Family, Our Experienced Attorneys Are There For You

Brain injuries are the result of physical trauma to the head, and are different from loss of brain function caused by toxicity, such as with a dangerous drug or lead paint poisoning. Brain injuries fall into to general categories:

Closed head trauma: The skull remains basically intact, though the force of the trauma has affected the brain. This is typical of slip and fall injuries, birth injuries, and minor car accidents.

Open head trauma: The skull's integrity has been severely compromised; injury to the brain is typically more significant. This is more typical of gunshot wounds, industrial accidents, or motorcycle accidents.

The medical care that brain injury victims require is extensive and expensive, and may be necessary throughout their lives. Those costs, in addition to pain and suffering and lost wages, may deserve compensation if the negligence of another was the cause of the brain injury.

Rely On Guidance From An Experienced Brain Injury Lawyer: Contact Us Today

Brain injuries can have extreme medical consequences, and coping with the aftermath and medical bills can be confusing and overwhelming. We can help. Your initial consultation is free, so call us at (304) 748-5850 or send us an email and we don't get paid unless you win.